Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry CHRISTmas! I hope you are reading this email on some brand new fancy electronic gadget gift you received. I also hope your Christmas day has brought you nothing but joyful memories filled with smiles, laughs, gifts, and of course lots and lots of cookies.

Last but certainly not least, I hope that the true meaning of Christmas hasn't escaped you this year. Believe me I know it's easy to lose sight of the real Christmas message amidst all the worldly 'stuff' we surround ourselves with.

While I definitely know that some stuff is cool---hey, I enjoy watching Jack Bauer kick butt on a big plasma HDTV as much as the next guy---I also know that all of the 'stuff' in the world can't fill that void in our hearts...only one thing can: God.

During the Christmas season we concentrate so much on the birth of the baby that sometimes we lose sight of the true message of Christmas. It's not that He was born that makes Him remarkable. What's remarkable---and the most powerful thing that you could possibly imagine---is that He died... and He died for you. If the end of that baby's life didn't end the way it did we would not know anything about this baby.

My mother committed suicide when I was 13 and for so many years I tried to fill that empty space in me in all of the wrong ways. My mom was an alcoholic and she filled the void with booze and drugs. I followed in her footsteps and tried to do the same thing---I became addicted to drugs, booze, and topped that off with seeking fame and money. Worst of all, I was just a miserable human being to be around---I wasn't a good person.

I hadn't learned the lesson that stuff is never going to fill you up. Fame is never going to fill you up. Money is never going to fill you up. Work, accomplishment, booze, drugs, sex, you name it---will never fill you up. You will never find eternal happiness there. Sure, you will find fleeting happiness but then you need more. You become addicted to it and that doesn't last. Everything that the world can provide is like crack cocaine -- no matter how much you have you will always crave more and the emptiness will remain.

Believe me, I tried just about every way to fill that emptiness before I found God and none of it worked. There's only one thing that can fill the void and it's the Christmas message. Not the Christmas message of 'be nice to people' or the presents or even the manger. The true Christmas message is that He existed so He could die for our sins. His journey, from manger to cross, gives us a path to salvation. He died so you could fill the void---with Him.

I really, truly believe it because I've seen it work in my own life. And for as much as we want to make it about Frosty the Snowman and Santa, and stuff---that's the real meaning of Christmas: Redemption.

I pray this Christmas that you find what I have found---and finally, once and for all---fill the void.

Merry Christmas,

Friday, December 21, 2007

Does Our Looks-Obsessed Culture Want to Stare at an Aging Woman?

December 17, 2007

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RUSH: Now, this theory of mine based on this Drudge picture of Mrs. Clinton, with the headline: "The Toll of a Campaign." Now, it could well be that that's a sympathy photo, too, to make people feel sorry for how tough the campaign trail is. Now, I want to preface this by saying I know it's going to get out there. Media Matters is going to get hold of this and they're going to take it all out of context. We can expect that. It's a badge of honor when this happens, but for the rest of you, I want you to understand that I am talking about the evolution of American culture here, and not so much Mrs. Clinton. It could be anybody, and it is really not very complicated. Americans are addicted to physical perfection, thanks to Hollywood and thanks to television. We know it because we see it. We see everybody and their uncle in gyms. We see people starving themselves. We see people taking every miracle fad drug there is to lose weight. We see guys trying to get six-pack abs. We have women starving themselves trying to get into size zero and size one clothes; makeovers, facials, plastic surgery, everybody in the world does Botox, and this affects men, too. As you know, the haughty John Kerry Botoxed his wrinkles out during the campaign.

There is this thing in this country that, as you age -- and this is particularly, you know, women are hardest hit on this, and particularly in Hollywood -- America loses interest in you, and we know this is true because we constantly hear from aging actresses, who lament that they can't get decent roles anymore, other than in supporting roles that will not lead to any direct impact, yay or nay, in the box office. While Hollywood box-office receipts may be stagnant, none of that changes the fact that this is a country obsessed with appearance. It's a country obsessed with looks. The number of people in public life who appear on television or on the big screen, who are content to be who they are, you can probably count on one hand. Everybody's trying to make themselves look different -- and in that situation, in that case, they think they're making themselves look better. It's just the way our culture has evolved. It's the way the country is. It's like almost an addiction that some people have to what I call the perfection that Hollywood presents of successful, beautiful, fun-loving people. So the question is this: Will this country want to actually watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?

We know that the presidency ages the occupants of that office rapidly. You go back and look at... Well, you can't use Clinton because he dyed his hair based on the audience he was speaking to, but take a look some pictures of Bush in 2000, when he was campaigning, or 2001 when he was inaugurated. Take a look at him now. Just been eight years. The difference is stark. He's kept himself in good shape and so forth, but you can say that this is a sad, unfortunate thing. But men aging makes them look more authoritative, accomplished, distinguished. Sadly, it's not that way for women, and they will tell you. (interruption) Well, Snerdley, you're just sitting there thinking I'm on the precipice of the cliff here without a bungee cord. I'm not. I am trying to be... Look, if I'm on the edge of the bungee cord, then I'll take the leap. The bungee cord will save me. I'm just giving an honest assessment here of American culture. Look at all of the evidence. I mean, I've just barely scratched the surface with some of the evidence, and so: Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis? And that woman, by the way, is not going to want to look like she's getting older, because it will impact poll numbers. It will impact perceptions.

In politics, perceptions are reality. So there will have to be steps taken to avoid the appearance of aging. You know, politics is not for sissies. Now, I'm looking at people on the other side of the glass here and they're laughing and they're smiling. They think I'm making a joke here and there's some big punch line coming. I'm not. You're not laughing at that? What are you laughing at? You're laughing at how...? (interruption) He's smiling because it's true! Okay. Maimone is smiling because it's true, and what also happens in this country when you say something that's true that people don't want to hear, man, do you catch it. I am fully prepared. I'm going to catch it here. That's really why he's smiling because he knows I'm going to catch it, but you're also responding because you know I can take it, you know that I can catch it, and throw it right back. So, politics isn't for sissies, and being president ages men faster than normal. I think this is one of the intangibles. And another thing, by the way: How many times have you said in your adult life, you've had a candidate for president or some office that you really like, but just doesn't come off well on television. Just for some reason, television doesn't complement this person. I've often reminded you that politics is "showbiz for the ugly," and it is.

When you see people who are, "Boy, they're just really great," but they can't get anywhere because they just, for some reason, television doesn't complement them. They don't look well on it, they don't handle it well, and it has an effect, regardless how smart they are, how brilliant their policy. This is one of the things that many people lament with the coming of television. You go back and look at presidents that we elected prior to TV, and presidents we elected after TV, and you will notice a huge difference. Do you think a bloated president could win? We had plenty of fat-guy presidents. Do you think one could get elected today? There's not a prayer! There isn't a prayer. Remember when people said, "The way to tell if Gore's really going to run is if he starts losing weight?" It's just what it is, folks. It's just what it is. Perfection, the appearance of perfection and good health, all of that ties into the perception of mental acuity, stamina, being able to hold up to the job -- and I'm just suggesting, it's one of these intangibles. You know, people will never tell you in an exit poll, "Yeah, I voted for Candidate X because he looks better than Candidate Y." They're not going to tell you, "I like their position on the Taliban. Yeah, I love their health care plan." They don't tell you what the real reason is -- and, of course, there is nobody else out there with the guts or the stupidity to address this as I am, but it's just something to put in the hopper and to think about. Let me give you a picture, just to think about. I'm not even going to answer the question for you, just want you to think about this. The campaign is Mitt Romney versus Hillary Clinton in our quest in this country for visual perfection, hmm?


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Trinity of Holidays

Since Glenn is off celebrating the holidays with his family, we thought it would be a good time share his essay from the December issue of Fusion Magazine on the "Trinity of Holidays" that happens this special time of year. Remember, today is the last day to subscribe to receive the Jan/Feb issue of Fusion. Order Now.

Trinity of Holidays

Let's talk turkey (and eggnog and noisemakers, for that matter). We're in the midst of the holiday season (no, that's not a PC term; I'm talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's) and I have just one question: Do you even remember what it's all about?

I'm guessing you don't, because we've buried the magic of those holidays under so much noise and irrelevance that we really don't enjoy this time of year -- and we certainly don't grow spiritually from the gifts that are right in front of us. Over time, we've mangled these holidays into unrecognizable displays of gluttony and greed.

Take Thanksgiving, for instance. In November 1789, President George Washington made Thanksgiving a national holiday when he declared that the nation needed "a day of public Thanksgiving and prayer." Somehow, this day in late November that was intended to be a timeout to give thanks to Almighty God has turned into a feast of food and football that has nothing to do with prayer (unless you count praying for your football team to cover the spread, which I obviously don't).

Christmas is intended to celebrate the birth of Christ, but political-correctness and consumerism have mangled it so far beyond recognition that I'm actually surprised when I see a reference to baby Jesus anymore.

January 1st offers the promise of a new start and a new calendar year, but it's become an excuse to party and drink so much that you wake up not even knowing what day it is.

It's no wonder that, after the turkey comas and pine cone needles have disappeared, the only thing left over from the holidays is a bigger waistline and more credit card debt.

I want us to take back the real meaning of these holidays. I don't think it's an accident that they are clustered together; I see it as divine design. Every year they offer us a clear series of steps we can take to become better people.

Step One is gratitude. Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to humble ourselves and give thanks for the many blessings we have. Prayers help us find peace and acceptance with who we are.

Step Two is redemption. If you have seen my Christmas show, you know that I believe Christmas is more about the death of the man than the birth of the child. We celebrate the birth of the baby on December 25th, but the reason for His existence was so His death would cleanse our sins. His journey, from manger to cross, gives us a second chance.

Step Three is hope. The New Year gives us a clean slate, made possible because we've already humbled ourselves, given thanks, and found redemption. You can't succeed in your resolutions if you are still damaged from the past or if they are just a list on a piece of paper.

None of these holidays started out as anything extravagant. Thanksgiving was just a proclamation, Christmas began in a stable, and the New Year has always just been a day on the calendar. But their magic is in what they represent and in the opportunities they give us. They are very simple in their rewards: your grandmother's tablecloth; your child discovering the Christmas tree; the promise of a new year.

The true gifts of the season aren't in a lighting display or a gourmet meal; they are in your heart, and gathered around your table. You just have to take the time to look for them.

Traditions and glittery stuff are fine -- but our souls need attention, too. There is such a thing as a second chance and I hope, if you need one, you will find it this season in all the blessings around you.

Happy holidays from the Glenn Beck Program.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Incredible quote from Oswald Chambers:

"The entrance into the Kingdom is through the panging pains of repentance crashing into a man’s respectable goodness; then the Holy Ghost, Who produces these agonies, begins the formation of the Son of God in the life. The new life will manifest itself in conscious repentance and unconscious holiness, never the other way about. The bedrock of Christianity is repentance. Strictly speaking, a man cannot repent when he chooses; repentance is a gift of God. The old Puritans used to pray for the gift of tears. If ever you cease to know the virtue of repentance, you are in darkness. Examine yourself and see if you have forgotten how to be sorry." (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, December 7th Devotional).

Friday, December 14, 2007

Glenn meets Huck face to face
DECEMBER 14, 2007


GLENN: So when I found out that Mike Huckabee was coming to the airport, I don't believe in coincidence. I arrived at the airport, Mike Huckabee is there, I went to talk to him and the first thing I said is, Governor, I struck out at you the other day in anger and I apologize for doing that. Should have been much more measured in my speech and don't like to speak out of anger. I didn't mean to ratchet things up quite honestly because the spirit of contention is not the spirit that comes from the Lord, and I apologize for that. He said, that's fine. He said, what was it? The Mormon thing?

Now, so you know I found out prior and after from his chief of staff while the governor played coy with me and I can't say -- I don't want to judge the man's heart. I knew that everybody on his staff knew exactly what I said on the air where I called him the one-eyed Mullah Huckabee, not that the man is a terrorist but the man is judging other people's faiths and saying you're not Christian enough. Well, I've heard that in the Middle East: You're not Muslim enough. And they knew exactly what I said but he said, was it that -- well, I understand. And he went in then to talk to me about how he has been persecuted on his faith and been questioned on his faith and his doctrine, you know, because he believes things that, you know, are unpopular, et cetera, et cetera, and I said I understand that but I doubt there's been anybody from the right who has been pushing you on that. I doubt it's been anybody on the right who has been talking about your doctrine. I said, you know, I don't think you understand this and it really bothers me.

We need to unite as God-fearing people because I truly believe we are in the battle of our lives. I truly believe that there is a chance -- I'm not saying -- they've been saying this since Jesus was here. So I'm not saying this is it, but there is a chance that we are in the ultimate battle of good and evil, that we are starting to see the makings.

You know, I was reading something about global warming today where they are saying all of the seas are going to die. In the next 50 years all of the reefs will die, which will cause the seas to die, and it made me think about the rivers running with blood and all of the oceans boiling and everything else and I thought, you know, there's a chance that we are living in those days. And I said, what do you think? What do you think, Governor? If we're living in those times, if we are really struggling right now and we're fighting a battle against good and evil, does Satan want us to bring each other together or divide? God-fearing people, Jews, Muslims, Christians, all denominations, people who get down on their knees or people who pray, people who look to the Lord for guidance, people who are trying to live a better life, people who are really truly, who truly believe that America is the last great hope for mankind. Should we be dividing ourselves? Because I know I can get religious bashing from the left.

Well, he tried to explain to me that it was just eight or ten words in an 8100-word newspaper article. To me it was the question that he asked. I said, you know, Governor, if you really want to know, you'd ask somebody who knows, and I don't think that's a reporter at the New York Times. He said, well, he was a very bright man. I said, I'm sure he is. I'm sure he is, but you would ask somebody who knows. And if you would like to know, I arranged this for Al Sharpton. I said this to Al Sharpton, why don't you go meet with the brother in Salt Lake City, why don't you go meet with the heads of church in Salt Lake City. Can't say that I arranged it, but I planted the seed and he went. Congratulations. He went. He did his own research. Now, whether it's an honest search or not, I don't know. I don't really care quite honestly. But I made that offer. I said, you know, why don't you go to meet with some of the heads of the church? Why don't you ask them these questions. Why don't you educate yourself on that. He didn't take me up on that. Didn't quite frankly show any interest. I didn't expect him to. I don't really honestly believe that -- I don't believe the man -- here's what I said. I said to him at the end of the 25-minute conversation -- and by the way, I accepted his apology. He accepted mine. But I find it very interesting -- and this has happened to me now with two reverends. I know when I've really hurt somebody. I know when somebody hurts me, and I didn't have this my whole life. This is a new thing for me, empathy. I've had this now for really starting to kick in in the last five years, but the last eight years or so I started to really feel other people's pain, and it's getting worse and worse or better and better, however you want to look at it. I'm feeling more -- when I talk to people, I've had an amazing experience in the last four weeks. I have been -- I've seen -- they tell me last night I have probably signed 50,000 books in the last four weeks, and I have noticed something incredible that is new to me. I have been able to spot not every time, but a lot of times I've been able to spot pain in people. They come up to me and they'll smile or whatever and there will be something to them. There will be something in their eyes where I can see, and many times I will just say to people as they walk away -- it was at the very beginning that I started doing this and I would allow them to walk away and then it would bother me and I would say, excuse me, come here for a second. And I would ask them if I could give them a hug. I have spotted pain in people.

Now, I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think it's actually a honing of empathy. For some reason I'm getting an extra dose of that. I don't know why. I don't think Mike Huckabee had any empathy for me or anybody else that happens to be of Mitt Romney's faith. Because I said to him at the end, I said, you know what, it's not that you offended me. It's not that you hurt me. I said, I know the pain you caused other people. I know I am so sick and tired of people who were chased out of this country with torches and pitchforks and buried their children in the plains because they wanted to worship God of their own understanding. I don't care if you're a Mormon or not a Mormon. They were people like the pilgrims that came for a reason and they were driven out of the country and they went to Utah which was not part of the United States and they said no one will bother us here because it's a desert and we're protected by the mountains. Well, they have been bothered ever since, and it was legal to kill them in the 1800s, legal to kill them, for the only reason that they were Mormon. When they first started running after Utah game a state, they started running and they actually said other politicians actually said, you don't want to vote for them. Oh, boy, you don't want to listen to them. Don't put any credence in anything they say; they have horns, you know. And it was printed in the paper.

I told Mike Huckabee those things and he looked at me astonished. You might want to do your homework. I know these people. You know one of the reasons why I wanted to be -- I didn't want to be a Mormon. I felt like I had to be one because I couldn't do it on my own anymore. And you know what? I wanted to be like the people that are of that faith. I am the worst example that you will ever see of -- I joined because I wanted to be like these people. They're good, decent people, and I am tired of having them run through the mud, tired of it. And I told him that. And I had tears in my eyes when I talked about him. We were knee to knee. Not once did this pastor reach out and put a hand on my shoulder or on my knee and say, I am so sorry, Glenn. He did say those words and I accepted those words, but as I told him at the end, by their fruits ye shall know them.

So I'll watch Mike Huckabee and so will you and maybe you will watch with disinterest on what he says about other people's faiths. And you know what? It's very easy to write these people off because, well, they're freaks, whatever. But you know what? They're Americans and they're God-fearing people and I don't -- I would say this about the Jews, I would say this about Muslims that understand God as a peaceful path, I will say this about protestants and evangelicals, Lutherans. I don't care what your religion is. I don't have to agree with your religion. I don't have to agree with your doctrines. We have quite possibly in the battle of our lifetime. We must not divide each other. Since when -- you know, Peggy Noonan has this article in The Wall Street Journal today. Since when did we start saying you're not Christian enough? She asked the question: In Mike Huckabee's world, would Ronald Reagan be welcome? She said Ronald Reagan grew up in elite Hollywood. Ronald Reagan was divorced. Ronald Reagan said he found God faster on the back of a horse on a ranch than in a church. Would Ronald Reagan be welcome? Is he Christian enough? When did this happen to us? When did we start to say, out of all of the things that are going on in the world that that is the most important. Not love of God.

Love of God, love of country, that's important to me. I've got to have a guy who understands love of God and love of country. I don't need to check his papers on what church he goes to. I'm not going to go into his bedroom and see if he prays on a rug or on his knees or standing up or while eating dinner or watching football. I'm going to take him at his word. I love God. I understand God. He rules the world. Great. That's all I need. When did that become the priority in this country?

And you know what? There is another article out today I'm going to get into here in a second. There's two articles out that you need to know about. First, Hillary Clinton looks like it's caving. They are saying now that she could lose all four early contests. I believe the other article is amazingly accurate and that is that Huckabee is the Howard Dean. Remember how you were just, oh, you just couldn't wait for Howard Dean to be elected. Oh, please, please let the Democrats go with Howard Dean. That will be so easy. That's Huckabee. One out of 20 evangelicals in South Carolina, one in 20 are supporting Mike Huckabee. That's pretty incredible. You've got to widen the tent just a little bit. I don't think we need to have a card. I didn't know you had to be a certain faith to be able to be elected here in America but maybe I should go back and read the Constitution again.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Apparently, Mike Huckabee has an article coming out in The New York Times that talks about the Mormon religion and the differences that it has with orthodox religion. I very much respect Glen Beck on matters of politics, but on matters of theology, I disagree with him. I do not think that Mormons are Christians. They are way off on issues of orthodoxy...way off.

But with all due respect to Huckabee, I do not really care what religion our President is. I agree with Beck when he says, "...I'm going to make my decision not based on religion. I'm going to make it on the man." See below for Beck's comments on Mike Huckleberry...er, Huckster...wait...Hucklebee?...the Hulkster?...no, I was right...Huckster, yeah...the Hulkster.

Huck Attack
DECEMBER 12, 2007


GLENN: Now, I just want to spend a couple of minutes here on Mike Huckabee who's quickly becoming my favorite human being. He's got a whole article coming out in the New York Times on Sunday where the title of the article is "Don't Mormons Believe that Jesus and the Devil are Brothers." Stu, Stu, are you there?

STU: Yes, I'm here.

GLENN: You're not happy, are you?

STU: Well, no, I'm not the one that has anything to do with being happy. I think this is your day to be unhappy, isn't it?

GLENN: I'm totally happy. I finally, we have finally found our candidate for Mullah. I didn't know we were -- I didn't know we were electing a Mullah, but we've apparently, we've got our candidate for Mullah, and I am really, really excited. I can't wait. We've got a guy finally who can say you're Christian but not Christian enough.

STU: Well, Glenn, I think it's not my religion who thinks that the devil and Jesus are hanging out having billiards parties on Tuesdays.

GLENN: Nobody's saying that. By the way, I don't think Jesus plays pool.

STU: No.

GLENN: Oh, was that a little too Baptist of me? I'm sorry. You know, here's the deal. Stu, I don't know if you know this, but you and Hitler are brothers.

STU: Really?


STU: Is that --


STU: Is that part of your crazy religion, too, Glenn?

GLENN: That's part of my crazy religion. Yeah, we're all brothers and sisters in Christ, yeah. That's crazy. God -- I hate to quote Paul, but God was the creator of all. So he created Hitler, he created you, we're all children of God.

STU: Who's Paul? A fictional character you made up? Is that it?

GLENN: I just can't take it. I just can't take it. Look, I'm not going to talk to you about theology. I don't care what you believe. Judge a man by his character. Judge a man by his principles. I'd like to hear from the 20,000 people who have attended my Christmas shows and tell me exactly what part of the atonement, what part of Jesus Christ don't I understand. You tell me how I'm not a Christian. If you've attended my Christmas shows, you tell me how I haven't been transformed by a guy who I believe is a savior. So, you know, go ahead. Tell me all you want. You're never going to convince me. It doesn't matter. I don't really care if you think I'm a Christian or not a Christian. You shouldn't care! You should be caring about my happiness, you should be caring about how I live my life, you should be caring about whether or not I am a positive person that is walking in the footsteps of Jesus. But you know what? Muslims aren't Christian. Muslims aren't Christian. Jews aren't Christian, but I would never say, "I don't know if I can trust that Jew in the White House, I don't know if I can trust that Muslim in the White House." I've got to look at the way the man has lived his life. I've got to look at the way the man -- everything the man has said. Has he said things that make me go, wait a minute, hold on, hold on, that doesn't sound like it's good for America.

I don't know what this has to do with fiscal policy. I don't know what this has to do with the war in Iraq. I guess it's just Christians now playing, it's either my theology or no one's theology, it's either, "okay, well, you say you're Christian; okay, well, you say you're Muslim, but how Muslim are you." Do you see what's happening? I swear to you, Mike Huckabee, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I looked in your eyes. I thought you were a decent human being. I still believe you're a decent human being, but I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in anybody in my life.

He does this in the New York Times article -- and by the way, this shouldn't be just Mormons that are upset about this. This should be all Christians -- no, this should be all Americans because when somebody else decides that they want to run for President and they decide you're not Christian enough, you're not good enough, your religion isn't good -- you know we've had Quakers as Presidents? You know we've had Unitarian Universalists as Presidents? By the way, just so you know, I've attended a Unitarian Universalist. I think they're good people. But the guy who was conducting the session or, you know, the -- I have a hard time calling it church because the guy who was a minister was an atheist! He was an atheist. "You know I don't believe in God but if there be a God, we should serve him."

Now, I couldn't relate to that sermon. My wife said to me, "I don't know, I think I need my minister to actually believe there is a God." I'm just sayin'. But do I condemn Unitarian Universalists? No. Do I think they're any less American? No. Do I have a problem with any of them being President? No. Do I want the guy who's being -- who's President of the United States to be a decent human being, to share my values? My values include believing in God. Would I have a problem being President? Depends on the atheist. If it's an atheist like what's his name have "In God we trust" off all the coins. I personally think we need a guy who will fall to his knees and pray, but you know how many Presidents we've had like that? In the last few, very few. Oh, they'll line up to go to church. They'll line up and, you know, hey, look at me, I'm going to church. I don't care if you go to church. I care if you live a decent life. I don't need to see you at church. I need you to be a decent human being. And here's Mike Huckabee doing, I think, some of the most insidious stuff I've ever heard, and you better wake up, America, because you've got a guy who's willing to do anything he has to do anything he has to. He'll use God to stop somebody else who believes in God, just on his God. He'll do anything he has to, but he'll do it in a -- he won't even do it in a full frontal assault. I mean, at least the Mullahs have a spine. At least the Mullahs don't dance around it. At least the Mullahs say, I'm going to chop your head off because you're not Muslim enough. Mike Huckabee doesn't even have that. He'll go into this article from the New York Times and say, "Did you hear? I heard this. I don't know if people are aware of this." And then when the New York Times asks him, "So wait a minute, what does that mean exactly?" "Oh, I don't know. Everybody has to decide for themselves. You know, that's -- you should -- I shouldn't have to defend their faith or explain their faith. Maybe they should."

Are you kidding me? What, are we in the fourth grade? Are we in the fourth grade?

STU: Glenn, at the very least isn't this essentially he's doing that good old classic Howard Dean trick of, look, a lot of people say if Bush was responsible for 9/11. It's out there. I don't know.

GLENN: Exactly, exactly right. I'm not saying, I don't know -- I keep hearing people say this. I mean, I don't know. Did you hear? Did you hear? George Bush was responsible for 9/11.

You know, when Howard Dean first said that, 97% of America was outraged when they heard that. Not just those who had a political axe to grind. They weren't outraged that they said that about George Bush because there's a lot of people who said, oh, well, that's a great one. Yeah, that's a great one. But what they didn't see is the ramifications of that. Now you've got 13% of the American people thinking that the United States of America was responsible for the bringing down of the World Trade Center, 13%. And I'm telling you these people are dangerous. There is twice the number of people that believe the United States of America brought down the World Trade Center here in America, twice the amount of Americans that think that we never landed on the moon. Those nut jobs are only 6%. 13% say this was an inside job. Oh, it was all cool when it was just about politics, but you've given these people credibility. You've given these people credibility and I'm telling you they are some of the most dangerous people in America. These 9/11 Truthers, look out, America.

Now, who would you like to give credibility to today? Who do you want to give credibility to? How else can we tear each other apart? In a time where we all need to be brought together and we need to stop the divisiveness, and this is what I thought I liked about Mike Huckabee. I'm looking for a guy that is not a divider, and you can say all you want, "Oh, I don't divide." Actions speak louder than words. Don't talk to me about your theology. Show me that you understand who Jesus Christ is by living his words, by bringing him into his life.

Hey, Dan?

DAN: Yes.

GLENN: You and I don't agree on theology, do you?

DAN: Not exactly.

GLENN: I mean, your theology is different than my theology. I think you are a good Christian man. Do you think I'm a good Christian man?

DAN: Absolutely I do. Good, good tree bears good fruit, Glenn.

GLENN: I mean, by their fruits ye shall know them.

STU: Yeah, but Dan, how could you think he's a good Christian man when he believes that Jesus and the devil play Pinochle on every alternate Thursday?

GLENN: Jesus doesn't play cards! I'm just playing to my Baptist base. Next thing you know, you'll have Jesus dancing.

I mean, look. You want to believe that -- whatever. I don't care. I don't care. And this is not about theology. This is some of the most unAmerican stuff I have seen. Good God almighty, have we really come to this? With all of the things that we are debating now, you're telling me that a man's Christian faith, whether Mullah Huckabee says that he is Christian enough to run this country, this is really a standard? This is really, this has something to do with our future, if he's Christian enough?

I want you to tell me all the bad Mormons that you've met. Now, I'm sure you've met some. I know I have. Generally they are the people not living the faith, just like I've met bad Lutherans, I've met bad Southern Baptists, I met bad Catholics. But those who live the faith, those who are actually living the faith, I don't know many of them that I think are bad. Some I disagree with but not bad. You name the evil insidious Mormons that you've met. What are we doing to ourselves? Stop dividing ourselves.

Have you heard me, have you heard me take apart another Christian and said, oh, boy, I don't know if they're Christian enough. How dare you. I've got to tell you something. Some of the most hurtful -- it's not -- it's not a slam on me. It's not a slam on my faith. It is truly a slam on the one responsible for me being alive today. There is only one reason I am alive today. There is only one reason that I have changed to the very fiber of my being and that's my brother, Jesus Christ. And it's a slam on him to think that anything else could have changed me. And those okay. You don't believe it, that's fine. I just don't know what it has to do with fiscal policy. I just don't know what it has to do with Medicare. I don't know what it has to do with fighting the war. I don't know what it has to do with anything other than it's a great whisper campaign, and shame on you, Mike Huckabee. Shame on you.

I haven't endorsed a candidate. Dan, you know what, I've got to tell you. You damn near made me endorse Mitt Romney in spite of you, just to spite you. But I'm not in the third grade. Apparently you are. I'm not. I'll make my decision on who I'm going to vote for for President and who I would endorse, like it means anything. I don't expect anybody to think that, oh, wow, Glenn's endorsed him; that's a big deal. But I'm going to make it as informed as I possibly can. I'm going to do as much as I can, as much homework to find out what really matters, who is this guy? Who are these candidates?

Do you know what's stopping me from making a decision on people? Do you know why I lean towards Mitt Romney? I don't lean towards Mitt Romney because of his faith because you know who else is in my faith? Harry Reid. So that means nothing to me. That doesn't tell you how to vote, you know, politically.

"Did you hear? The church would be running the country." Oh, yeah, sure would. Yep, seems to be doing a good job, those evil conservative Mormons, with Harry Reid. So I'm going to make my decision not based on religion. I'm going to make it on the man. I lean towards Mitt Romney because I watch his family. I know his family and I know the people around him. That's why I lean towards him. I lean against him because I look at some of his policies. I look at Rudy Giuliani and I lean towards him because of some of his policies. I also lean against him because of some of his policies but I also look at his family. What are the fruits of his life. Who is the man. And the reason why I think we have to look at the man, not his theology, not his card, what church do I go to, not just his record, but I need to look at the man because I really, truly believe we're entering a period where things are going to happen faster and faster and the President has got to feel something in the core of his being. That's why I say I need a guy who has fire in the belly, who knows what he believes 100% without a doubt to the core of his soul, knows what he believes, why he believes it because the man is going to be asked for a snap decision and that snap decision could kill hundreds of millions of people. It could free hundreds of millions of people, and he's only going to have one shot at it. At some point in our nation's future somebody in that office is going to be asked, Mr. President, I need an answer now, and he better know what the hell that answer is, and it better be rooted in something that you and I believe in and that is values, principles. How did the man live his life? How does he make decisions? What's his family like? Is he in control?


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ok, this might come as a shock to some of you so hang on. I have indefinitely suspended production of The Sound of Theos podcast and the 6 Months In The Psalms podcast. I am not promising to return or even what might happen, suffice to say that there are important reasons for doing this that I cannot go into at the moment. If you want to know more, feel free to email me. I may or may not tell you why, it just depends on how well I know you. Hopefully, I will fill the gap by posting blogs, but who knows? It all just depends.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Here is a great sermon on The Left Behind Series I found online by Pastor Charles Roberts, pastor of Ballston Centr Associate Reformed Church. I can't say he is very fond of it. I thought this was very good and I might just check out more that he has to say.
Here is an awesome, and I do mean awesome, work by Sam Storms, who although is not my favorite current living theologian, is probably the one that I agree with the most. (For the record, if I had to pick, I think my favorite living theologian is John Piper.) I agree with Storms on almost everything in this article, so maybe that would explain why I really like it. Here you go:

What's Your Theology?
Sam Storms
Dec 6, 2007

On numerous occasions I’ve had people ask me about my theological convictions, most likely because I appear to be an odd mix of views that cannot be found in any one confession of faith or reduced to a single label, system, or denomination.

Others have asked the same question when they see the variety of churches in which I’ve either served as senior pastor, associate pastor, board member, or simply member. This would include Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, independent Bible church (with a Plymouth Brethren orientation), Vineyard, Anglican, and charismatic. By now, I suspect many of you might be inclined to say, “Sam, you’re not so much eclectic in your theology as you are confused!”

So, I’ve decided to yield to the pressure of these repeated inquiries and briefly explain what I believe, with only a brief comment on why and a few references to material either in my books or on my website that will provide support. My aim has always been to be biblical. But, of course, everyone would say that about his or her beliefs. So here goes.

I am a Calvinistic, charismatic, complementarian, Christian hedonist. If that weren’t enough to confuse you, I am also amillennial and baptistic, though I believe in rule by a plurality of Elders and maintain a moderately sacramental perspective on the spiritual presence of Christ in the Eucharist (there’s a word that reflects my four years in an Anglican church!).

Please understand that the issues below are not regarded as fundamental in the sense that one must believe them in order to be a Christian. I have not listed such foundational truths as Trinitarianism, the inspiration and infallibility of Scripture, the virgin conception, sinless life, penal substitutionary sacrifice, and bodily resurrection of Christ, or the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

I’m focusing, rather, on issues that differentiate men and women who are all Christians. In other words, I trust you understand that I believe someone who is an Arminian-cessationist-egalitarian-dispensational-presbyterian (I dare say I’ve never heard of anyone being all those!), or some other odd mixture thereof can also be a Christian. I hope those who regard me as an even odder theological mixture will extend the same generosity.

So, let’s look briefly at each of these and a few related sub-points.

(1) I am a Calvinist (all five points, by the way). I hardly think this needs much explanation, and I refer you to my book, Chosen for Life: The Case for Divine Election (Crossway, 2007). There are several related issues that bear mentioning:

a. On the issue of the order of the divine decrees, I am an Infralapsarian (see Chosen for Life, pp. 213-19).

b. I believe that all those dying in infancy are elect (on my website, www.samstorms.com, a defense can be found in Theological Studies, Controversial Issues).

c. I believe that regeneration, or the new birth, precedes and is the cause/source of saving faith. In other words, we are born again in order that we may believe, not the other way around.

d. In view of the present controversy, it is important that I affirm my belief in the forensic nature of justification in which the righteousness of Christ (often called his active and passive obedience) is imputed to the believer through faith alone.

(2) I am a Charismatic. When asked if I am “charismatic” I typically respond by saying, “Tell me what you mean by the term and I’ll tell you if I’m one.” More times than not, what people have in mind is far and away different from what I believe. So let me simply identify several relevant issues.

a. I believe that all spiritual gifts are valid today and that nothing in Scripture suggests otherwise. My chapter in the book Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views (Zondervan) is the most extensive answer I’ve given to this question. Also, my book The Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Gifts (Regal) provides an answer to the question of how such gifts operate in church life today.

b. I believe that baptism in the Spirit occurs at conversion for all Christians (again, check out the two articles on the website in Theological Studies, Controversial Issues). This sets me apart from classical Pentecostalism and much of the contemporary charismatic movement.

c. Although I do pray in tongues (daily), I do not believe that this or any other spiritual gift is designed by God for all Christians. Every Christian has at least one gift while no Christian (at least, none I know) has every gift (nor should they).

d. I believe healing is in the atonement in the same way I believe all spiritual and physical blessings are in the atonement. Were it not for the death and resurrection of Christ we would have nothing but the eternal damnation that we deserve. But not all such blessings are experienced in their fullness until the consummation of all things in the New Heaven and New Earth. This would certainly be true of the healing of the body.

e. Although I do believe God heals today, I do not believe that the so-called “Health and Wealth and/or Prosperity Gospel” is in any sense a “gospel” and I ask all Christians to cease referring to it in such terms. Call it a “movement” or “philosophy” or even a “theology”, but stop calling it a gospel! The same applies to what typically is called “The Word of Faith” movement, in much of which I struggle to find the presence of true, biblical “faith”.

f. I believe in both (1) the finality, sufficiency, and authority of Scripture, on the one hand, and (2) the validity of revelatory gifts such as prophecy and word of knowledge, on the other. And no, the latter (2) is not a threat to the former (1).

(3) I am a Complementarian. I’ve written briefly on this issue at my website. The relevant material can be found in Theological Studies. A few words of clarification are in order.

a. If I am to err, I choose to err on the side of flexibility and freedom. In other words, I hesitate to restrict women from any form of ministry that does not have explicit biblical sanction.

b. As I read the New Testament, it appears that Paul and others restrict women from serving in what I call senior governmental authority, which would include the office of Senior Pastor (i.e., that individual or pastoral office responsible for the regular, authoritative exposition of Scripture) and Elder (or Bishop, depending on which term you prefer). Therefore, I believe a woman can serve as a deacon or worship leader or counselor or any other expression of Christian ministry that does not violate Paul’s injunction against women exercising authority over men (1 Timothy 2:11-15; 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

(4) I am a Christian Hedonist. Simply put, I believe it is impossible for us to desire pleasure too much, and that the pleasure we cannot desire too much is pleasure in God and all that he is for us in Jesus. For more on this, I direct you to my books, Pleasures Evermore: The Life-Changing Power of Enjoying God (NavPress) and One Thing: Developing a Passion for the Beauty of God (Christian Focus). If you want a shorter explanation, visit my website and you will see a brief article on the Home page titled, “What is Christian Hedonism?”

(5) I am an Amillennialist. This is a huge topic on which I am currently writing a book. So I’ll limit myself here to only a few specifics.

a. One of the primary reasons I am not a Premillennialist (neither Historic nor Dispensational) is because of what I read in the NT concerning the Second Coming of Christ.

To be a Premillennialist of any sort, you must believe that physical death and the curse on the natural creation will continue to exist beyond the time of Christ’s return. You must believe that the New Heavens and New Earth will not be introduced until 1,000 years subsequent to the return of Christ. You must believe that unbelieving men and women will still have the opportunity to come to saving faith in Christ for at least 1,000 years subsequent to his return. To be a Premillennialist, you must believe that unbelievers will not be finally resurrected until at least 1,000 years subsequent to Christ’s return and that unbelievers will not be finally judged and cast into eternal punishment until at least 1,000 years subsequent to Christ’s return.

But my reading of what happens at the Second Coming of Christ indicates that then, and not 1,000 years later, physical death is swallowed up in the victory of Christ, never again to exert its power; the natural creation is delivered fully and finally from its bondage to sin; the New Heavens and New Earth are inaugurated; all opportunity for salvation of the lost comes to an end; and both the final resurrection and final judgment of all mankind occur.

b. I find no biblical support for a pre-tribulation rapture, Christian Zionism, a distinction between Israel and the Church, or a future seven year period known as the Great Tribulation.

c. I believe Matthew 24:1-35; Mark 13:1-31; and Luke 21:5-33 (otherwise known as the Olivet Discourse) refer to events that transpired in the first century, beginning with the exaltation of Christ and consummating with the destruction in 70 a.d. of both the city of Jerusalem and its Temple.

As I said, I hope to finish a book on eschatology sometime in 2008, but in the meantime you may read several articles in defense of these beliefs, available on my website under Theological Studies, Eschatology.

(6) I am a Baptist (or, “baptistic”, as some prefer). If you’ve recovered from (5), and I suspect many of you haven’t, let me turn briefly to another broad subject and focus on several important items (rest assured, of course, that being baptistic would entail far more than simply what I mention below).

a. I believe only those who are able to provide a credible testimony of personal faith in Jesus Christ should be baptized (immersed) in water.

b. I believe that a local church should be governed by a plurality of Elders, of which the Senior Pastor is one. I see no biblical basis for a church being led by a single Elder or Pastor. (No, this does not make me a Presbyterian, although I once served as interim pastor for three years in such a church.)

c. I believe that Jesus Christ is spiritually (and therefore, really, but not physically) present in the elements of the Eucharist and that the elements are more than merely a symbol of his body and blood. They are (one of) the sacramental means by which the sanctifying (but not saving) grace of Christ is mediated to the believer. For more on this, check out the two articles titled, “What Happens in the Eucharist?” on my website, Theological Studies, Miscellaneous Topics.

(7) I am a . . . I needed a seventh point to satisfy those who are obsessed with biblical numerology (“6” will never do, or so they tell me), so here is a brief list of other, often contentious, issues. (You can find articles on each of these issues on my website under Theological Studies, Controversial Issues.)

a. I believe that Open Theism is heretical.

b. I believe that eternal punishment in Hell is conscious and unending.

c. I believe that the NT leaves open the possibility for some form of apostolic ministry today (although without the Scripture-writing authority of the original company).

d. I believe Christians can be demonized (note, I did not say demon-possessed).

e. I do not believe the NT mandates that Christians “tithe” 10% of their income but I do believe in generous, sacrificial, proportionate giving that often times, depending on one’s wealth, ought to exceed 10%.

f. While affirming the historicity of Adam and Eve as the first humans and parents of our race, I tentatively embrace the theory of an old earth and old universe. (I’ve not written anything on this, but may have to.)

I think that’s enough to get myself into trouble with just about everyone! I must confess, however, that I’m not in the least bothered by that. My only concern is that these beliefs be grounded in Scripture and not merely experience or personal preference or an emotional wound or ambition or something that I’m required to believe in order to keep my job or because some hero of mine in centuries past happened to believe it. Isn’t that something for which we all should strive?



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Friday, November 16, 2007

Hello everyone. I'm doing a new mini-podcast called 6 Months In The Psalms, so check it out. So far, all the podcasts have been around 2 minutes, so not much commitment there. Also, don't forget that I am still also doing The Sound of Theos podcast as well.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Glen Beck On Spanking

OCTOBER 11, 2007


GLENN: From Radio City in Midtown Manhattan, hello, you sick twisted freak. Welcome to the program. So glad that you're here. My name is Glenn Beck. I had one of the rougher nights of my life last night. I have never spanked any of my children. I have -- I don't know. I grew up getting spankings as a kid. I'm not against spankings, but my kids, generally speaking, have not crossed -- there's just a line, and one of my kids crossed the line yesterday, last night, and I looked at my wife and I said, I mean -- and she said, spanking? And I said, I've never spanked any of the kids. And I had the hardest night. I had the hardest night. I just, I don't know. You know, I never really understood. I always mocked my father on, you know, this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you. I know it didn't hurt my dad that much but, boy, it hurt me. That just killed me last night looking at my son and explaining it to him and explaining that I was going to, you know, spank -- he didn't know what spanking was. Explain that to him, explain why. You know, that we have choices and that was a bad choice and there's consequences to your choices.

Last night I don't think I -- I didn't sleep very much. I kept seeing his eyes look at me. He looked at me differently beforehand. He knew how much trouble he was in, and his -- for the first time he looked at me -- I don't know how to explain it -- with fear. He had fear. I have never seen fear in my child's eyes and it killed me to introduce fear into his life. And I actually went into the other room and I said, come on with me; you're getting a spanking. I put him over my knee and I must have sat there for three, four minutes just praying. And he just, he didn't even move. And I brought him back in the other room and Tania was there and she said, did you spank him? And I said, no, I think Mom needs to be there. So we went in together and, ooh. You know, I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep last night. And, you know, I said to my wife. I said -- because she was the one, she was like, honey, spank him; not a bad thing. I said, I know that. I'm not against spanking. I just feel like his innocence went away yesterday. It's bound to happen, but to see fear in a child's eyes for the very first time, especially when I do this for a living, you know, looking at all of the stuff that, you know, fear and what -- I don't want my kid to live in fear. I don't want my kid -- you know. It's weird.

STU: Wait a minute. Hold on one second.

GLENN: What?

STU: First of all we can go over the, there needs to be consequences. The body has a mechanism for pain. So don't put your hand on a hot oven.

GLENN: Don't think I didn't think about that about 3:45. The Lord made pain for a reason. What is pain for? Yeah.

STU: It's to remember not to do the same thing over and over again.

GLENN: Right.

STU: I'm interested, though, to see because you have this webcam in the studio that you have -- it goes back to your house and you have conversations with your family in the morning and you watch each other during the day, you watch Rafe play all day on that thing. At one moment I think I noticed you have your first reunion with Rafe after this occurred. What, can you disclose what occurred?

GLENN: I said, good morning, Rafe. And he looked up and he said, morning, Daddy. I stayed in my bed all night. I said, I know you did.

STU: Bet he did.

GLENN: Good boy. And it wasn't about getting out of bed but that was the last thing I said to him: You move out of your bed, don't you even think about moving out of this bed. I mean, it was -- I mean, you know, and I don't want to get into everything. But Stu, I told you this morning.

STU: Lord God.

GLENN: I mean, is there any -- was there any -- are you a spanker? I mean, if you had kids, are you a spanker?

STU: Personally I would be an, in extreme cases. You couldn't want to do it.

GLENN: Would you agree this is an extreme?

STU: Holy God, yes.

GLENN: I never walked in -- with any of my kids, I've never walked in and went, spanking. I mean never.

STU: You single-handedly delayed my family by two years by telling me that story this morning.

DAN: We don't get to hear it? It was that bad?

GLENN: I've got Stephen Moore coming up in just a minute.

STU: Unless Stephen wants to talk spanking.

GLENN: I'll get into that -- it's not, it is bad. Don't get me wrong. It's horrific. It's horrific.

STU: Poor man.

GLENN: But yeah, you felt bad for me, didn't you?

STU: Bad for you and bad for me that that might be coming.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. I'll get into it tomorrow but I'm just, I'm so tender about it today. And I know I did the right thing. It's just --

STU: Yeah, the only question --

GLENN: Have you spanked yet, Dan?

DAN: No, I'm sitting here listening to this. In theory I'm for it but I don't know that I could do it.

GLENN: I think there's a time for spanking and that was clearly a time for spanking, but it's just --

DAN: It's coming for me, Glenn. My daughter's 2 and she's starting to test more and more and more and there's just less -- you can only say I'm counting to 3 so many times.

GLENN: And here's the thing on spanking. It's -- I feel, I think a lot smaller, a lot lower level but I feel like I would -- you know I'm for guns, you know I'm for defending myself. You know if somebody is killing, you know, the family or threatening the family or coming into the house and threatening the family, I will shoot you dead.

STU: Obviously.

GLENN: I will shoot you dead. But you know what? I'm not going to sleep well.

STU: No.

GLENN: You know what I mean? And that's the way I feel about spanking. I believe -- I mean, it's at the very end of the scale on the opposite direction of a gun, but is it --

STU: You care about the person more.

GLENN: Yeah. But it is, it is a consequence of action and it is a lot easier to just blow off that consequence because it hurts you. It really -- I mean, I understood my father more than I ever have before. "This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you." I remember getting spanked by my father. It hurt but it wasn't like that. Last night I cried my -- I really did. I cried myself to sleep last night. I woke up in the middle of the night. I started crying again. It tore me apart to spank my son, and I'm not going to tell him that. Last night I mastered that look, man. I mastered the look of, you don't even want to mess with me. I mastered that look last night.

STU: Yeah. You know, this is the part of parenting, when they learn that actions have consequence. That's, when they're going to be better people for it.

GLENN: Yeah. So we'll go into that a little more tomorrow, maybe.

Insiders, click here to listen to this transcript...


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Monday, September 24, 2007

Landmark study: Change for homosexuals is possible

Posted on Sep 14, 2007 | by Michael Foust
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--In what some are calling groundbreaking research, a new four-year study concludes it is possible for homosexuals to change their physical attractions and become heterosexual through the help of Christian ministries.

The data was released Sept. 13 at a news conference in Nashville, Tenn., and is published in the new book, "Ex-Gays?" (InterVarsity Press) by psychologists Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse. Thirty-eight percent of the subjects followed in the study said they had successfully left homosexuality, while an additional 29 percent said they had had only modest successes but were committed to keep trying. In another significant finding, Jones and Yarhouse said attempts at conversion do not appear to be psychologically harmful.

Experts in the field call it the first scientific study performed on a sample of individuals undergoing Christian counseling, monitoring their successes and failures from the beginning. A follow-up study is being conducted and will be released in the future.

"These findings contradict directly the commonly expressed views of the mental health establishment that change in sexual orientation is impossible, and that if you attempt to change it's highly likely to produce harm for those who make such an attempt," Jones, professor of psychology at Wheaton College in Illinois, said at the news conference.

Although the study simply affirms biblical truth, it nonetheless could have a significant impact in the professional realm, where such research carries much weight. A Q&A portion of the American Psychological Association’s website says homosexuality "does not require treatment and is not changeable."

The research is certain to be criticized, particularly by homosexual activist organizations. Yarhouse, professor of psychology at Regent University in Virginia, said their literary agent tried for 10 months to find a secular publisher but "no one would touch it." IVP is a Christian publisher.

The study followed 98 subjects -- 72 men and 26 women -- over a period of between 30 months and four years. Interviews were conducted three times, although by the third interview several subjects had quit the study, leaving the sample with 73 subjects. Some of them quit because they believed they had successfully changed and didn't want to participate anymore, while others quit because they no longer wanted to change, the study said.

All the subjects were being counseled by various ministries of Exodus International, a Florida-based organization that seeks to help people leave homosexuality through faith in Christ.

At the end of the study, the subjects were placed in six categories, in order from success to failure:

-- 15 percent reported their conversion was successful and that they had had "substantial reduction" in homosexual attraction and "substantial conversion" to heterosexual attraction. They were categorized as "success: conversion."

-- 23 percent said their conversion was successful and that homosexual attraction was either missing or "present only incidentally or in a way that does not seem to bring about distress." They were labeled "success: chastity."

-- 29 percent had experienced "modest decreases" in homosexual attraction and were not satisfied with their change, but pledged to continue trying. This category was labeled "continuing."

-- 15 percent had not changed and were conflicted about what to do next.

-- 4 percent had not changed and had quit the change process, but had not embraced the "gay identity."

-- 8 percent had not changed, had quit the process and had embraced the "gay identity."

[Malfunctions in the taping of interviews accounts for the remaining 5 percent.]

The study was released as an American Psychological Association task force is examining the organization's policy on counseling homosexuals. The task force reportedly is stacked with those of a more liberal perspective, and Christian psychologists fear the APA will change its policy to one that officially condemns the idea that change is possible. The report is due next year.

Said Jones, "We hope our research will say to people, 'Slow down. Let's have a civil dialogue. Let's talk about people who are making autonomous adult choices about what they do.... Let's give people the opportunity to exercise their religious freedom."

Bob Stith, the national strategist for gender issues for the Southern Baptist Convention, said he hopes the study will impact churches.

"It is important for the church to recognize that [changing] is difficult," he told Baptist Press. "The first time I went to an Exodus conference, my wife and I were stunned with the level of struggle that many of the people were still having. We had to reevaluate our whole perspective on that. I've worked with drug and alcohol addicts for years, and I've seen the same thing.... I've sent some to live-in rehabs, and they leave because it's too hard. Personally, I have seen more people walk away from homosexuality than I have from drug and alcohol addiction."

He added, "We know that Christ changes lives. You can't quantify that."

Many of the subjects had been sexually promiscuous prior to the study. Of the initial group of 72 men, 33 percent had been involved with more than 30 male partners, while 21 percent had had 10 to 30 such partners. The females were far less promiscuous, with only 4 percent having had more than 30 female partners and 8 percent having had 10 to 30 partners. The large majority of females, 80 percent, had had between one and nine female partners.

In addition, 67 percent of men and 69 percent of women reported having been touched sexually prior to age 13.

Yarhouse said it's difficult to understand why some people are more successful than others in changing. He speculated it could be because some people are "making the decision in isolation." Although such a homosexual would be embraced by their own community, "when they turn to the Christian community they often don't feel the same embrace of, 'We're going to walk alongside you as you go down this path.’"

Jones and Yarhouse also said skeptics should not dismiss the research simply because the researchers are Christians. Much research in the field, they noted, is conducted by researchers who are homosexuals and is nonetheless considered reputable.

Warren Throckmorton, associate professor of psychology at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, called the study groundbreaking.

"I think this is going to set the standard for research in this arena," he told BP. "It's significant because it does address the skepticism among mental health professionals that living by your faith is going to be harmful in some way.... [Jones and Yarhouse] did not find the kind of harm that has been predicted.

"The fact that it is a long-term study makes it superior to the most recent other work in this field. So I believe it does break ground."
Michael Foust is assistant editor of Baptist Press.

Detailed information about the study is available in the book "Ex-Gays?" and at http://www.ivpress.com/cgi-ivpress/book.pl/code=2846

Thursday, September 20, 2007

On Tuesday, my wife's great-grandmother passed away. The obituary is below:

Helen M. Snyder
Born in Schoharie County, New York on May 26, 1915
Departed on Sep. 18, 2007 and resided in Canton, OH.

Visitation: No Visitation
Graveside Services: Private
Cemetery: Private

Helen M. Snyder age 92 of Canton, Ohio, went home to be with the Lord, passing away Tuesday September 18, 2007 in the House of Loreto. Born in Schoharie County, New York on May 26, 1915 she was the daughter of the late, Walter and Pearl Stockman. She had lived the greater portion of her life in Canton and was a member of the Whipple Ave. Baptist Church and a teacher for the Eager Beaver Youth Group. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Frank and George Stockman, her daughter, Kay Frances Smith and also by her husband of 64 years, Guy B. Snyder Sr. who passed away August 1, 1998.
Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Guy Jr. and Mary Snyder of Massillon, Gary L. and Sheila Snyder of Norwalk, OH., and Arthur L. and Vivian Snyder of Akron, OH. Two daughters and sons-in-law, Mary Ellen and David Boring of Canton and Carol and Mike Stump of Canton. Son-in-law, Lewis Duane Smith of Canton. Her sister, Alcy Bonham of Millersburg, OH. and brother, John (Millie) Stockman of Tuscon, AZ. There are 15 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren.
Private graveside services and burial will be held Friday at 11 a.m. in the Eden Church Cemetery. There will be no calling hours and the REED FUNERAL HOME CANTON CHAPEL is in charge of arrangements. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to the House of Loreto or Whipple Ave. Baptist Church. The family would like to express a special thanks to the House of Loreto for their care and labor of love to Helen during her residency. Those wishing to share their condolences or a fond memory may sign the Reed On-Line guestbook at our website www.reedfuneralhome.com.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm not sure if this is legit or not, but a friend forwarded it to me. I have been thinking a lot about the poor and our call to help them and I have had to repent of some of the attitudes that I have had in the past regarding them. Just last night, my wife and I had to make a run to the pharmacy to pick up some supplies for her and there was a homeless man that was sitting on the curb asking for bus fare. I was annoyed at first, as I always am, and I turned my pockets inside out to show him that I had nothing on me. Then I remembered that I had $2 in my wallet and I opened up my wallet and gave him one of them. "God bless you, sir," he said. I replied, "God bless you."

It was not much but for me, to give out a dollar was a huge step and a move toward obedience. Here is a theological note: Repentance does not simply mean turning from something; it means turning toward something. Theologically, it means turning from sin and turning toward obedience to Christ.

Anyway, here's the story:

I sat, with two friends, in the picture window of a quaint restaurant just off the corner of the town-square. The food and the company were both especially good that day.
As we talked, my attention was drawn outside, across the street. There, walking into town, was a man who appeared to be carrying all his worldly goods on his back. He was carrying, a well-worn sign that read, "I will work for food." My heart sank.
I brought him to the attention of my friends and noticed that others around us had stopped eating to focus on him. Heads moved in a mixture of sadness and disbelief.
We continued with our meal, but his image lingered in my mind. We finished our meal and went our separate ways. I had errands to do and quickly set out to accomplish them. I glanced toward the town square, looking somewhat halfheartedly for the strange visitor. I was fearful, knowing that seeing him again would call some response. I drove through town and saw nothing of him. I made some purchases at a store and got back in my car.
Deep within me, the Spirit of God kept speaking to me: "Don't go back to the office until you've at least driven once more around the square."
Then with some hesitancy, I headed back into town. As I turned the square's third corner, I saw him. He was standing on the steps of the front of the church, going through his sack.
I stopped and looked; feeling both compelled to speak to him, yet wanting to drive on. The empty parking space on the corner seemed to be a sign from God: an invitation to park. I pulled in, got out and approached the town's newest visitor.
"Looking for the pastor?" I asked.
"Not really," he replied, "just resting."
"Have you eaten today?"
"Oh, I ate something early this morning."
"Would you like to have lunch with me?"
"Do you have some work I could do for you?"
"No work," I replied. "I commute here to work from the city, but I would like to take you to lunch."
"Sure," he replied with a smile.
As he began to gather his things, I asked some surface questions. Where you headed?"
" St. Louis "
"Where you from?"
"Oh, all over; mostly Florida "
"How long you been walking?"
"Fourteen years," came the reply.
I knew I had met someone unusual. We sat across from each other in the same restaurant I had left earlier. His face was weathered slightly beyond his 38 years. His eyes were dark yet clear, and he spoke with an eloquence and articulation that was startling. He removed his jacket to reveal a bright red T-shirt that said, "Jesus is The Never Ending Story."
Then Daniel's story began to unfold. He had seen rough times early in life. He'd made some wrong choices and reaped the consequences. Fourteen years earlier, while backpacking across the country, he had stopped on the beach in Daytona. He tried to hire on with some men who were putting up a large tent and some equipment. A concert, he thought.
He was hired, but the tent would not house a concert but revival services, and in those services he saw life more clearly. He gave his life over to God.
"Nothing's been the same since," he said, "I felt the Lord telling me to keep walking, and so I did, some 14 years now."
"Ever think of stopping?" I asked.
"Oh, once in a while, when it seems to get the best of me But God has given me this calling. I give out Bibles. That's what's in my sack. I work to buy food and Bibles, and I give them out when His Spirit leads."
I sat amazed. My homeless friend was not homeless. He was on a mission and lived this way by choice. The question burned inside for a moment and then I asked: "What's it like?"
"To walk into a town carrying all your things on your back and to show your sign?"
"Oh, it was humiliating at first. People would stare and make comments. Once someone tossed a piece of half-eaten bread and made a gesture that certainly didn't make me feel welcome. But then it became humbling to realize that God was using me to touch lives and change people's concepts of other folks like me."
My concept was changing, too. We finished our dessert and gathered his things. Just outside the door, he paused. He turned to me and said, "Come Ye blessed of my Father and inherit the kingdom I've prepared for you. For when I was hungry you gave me food, when I was thirsty you gave me drink, a stranger and you took me in."
I felt as if we were on holy ground. "Could you use another Bible?" I asked.
He said he preferred a certain translation. It traveled well and was not too heavy. It was also his personal favorite. "I've read through it 14 times," he said.
"I'm not sure we've got one of those, but let's stop by our church and see" I was able to find my new friend a Bible that would do well, and he seemed very grateful.
"Where are you headed from here?" I asked.
"Well, I found this little map on the back of this amusement park coupon."
"Are you hoping to hire on there for awhile?"
"No, I just figure I should go there. I figure someone under that star right there needs a Bible, so that's where I'm going next."
He smiled, and the warmth of his spirit radiated the sincerity of his mission. I drove him back to the town-square where we'd met two hours earlier, and as we drove, it started raining. We parked and unloaded his things.
"Would you sign my autograph book?" he asked. "I like to keep messages from folks I meet."
I wrote in his little book that his commitment to his calling had touched my life. I encouraged him to stay strong. And I left him with a verse of scripture from Jeremiah, "I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; Plans to give you a future and a hope."
"Thanks, man," he said. "I know we just met and we're really just strangers, but I love you."
"I know," I said, "I love you, too." "The Lord is good!"
"Yes, He is. How long has it been since someone hugged you?" I asked.
"A long time," he replied
And so on the busy street corner in the drizzling rain, my new friend and I embraced, and I felt deep inside that I had been changed. He put his things on his back, smiled his winning smile and said, "See you in the New Jerusalem."
"I'll be there!" was my reply.
He began his journey again. He headed away with his sign dangling from his bedroll and pack of Bibles. He stopped, turned and said, "When you see something that makes you think of me, will you pray for me?"
"You bet," I shouted back, "God bless."
"God bless." And that was the last I saw of him.
Late that evening as I left my office, the wind blew strong. The cold front had settled hard upon the town. I bundled up and hurried to my car. As I sat back and reached for the emergency brake, I saw them... a pair of well-worn brown work gloves neatly laid over the length of the handle. I picked them up and thought of my friend and wondered if his hands would stay warm that night without them.
Then I remembered his words: "If you see something that makes you think of me, will you pray for me?"
Today his gloves lie on my desk in my office. They help me to see the world and its people in a new way, and they help me remember those two hours with my unique friend and to pray for his ministry. "See you in the New Jerusalem," he said. Yes, Daniel, I know I will...
If this story touched you, forward it to a friend!
"I shall pass this way but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."
My instructions were to send this to four people that I wanted God to bless and I picked you. Please pass this to four people you want to be blessed.
This prayer is powerful and there is nothing attached. Please do not break this pattern. Prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's continue to pray for one another. God bless and have a nice day!
"Father, I ask you to bless my friends, relatives and e-mail buddies reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask you to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through your grace, In Jesus' precious Name Amen."
I sent this to more than four, but this story is so touching I felt each of you would enjoy it greatly.
Wendy R. McMackins
Patrol Division Secretary
Jackson Police Department

(731) 425-8555
fax: (731) 425-8480

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This was originally posted on my blog on September 11, 2003, four years ago today. I thought it was worth a re-post:

"As I came into work this morning, I noticed that they were playing the move "Patton" downstairs in a training area in memory of what happened two years ago. If you've never heard the opening monologue that is done by the late George C. Scott in this movie, it is fantastic. It is an actual speech made by General Patton to some American troops in England, just before the D-Day invasion. I have posted this speech below, somewhat edited because of some blunt
language used:

'Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. ALL REAL Americans, love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers . . . Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in Hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the
Saturday Evening Post, don't know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating. Now we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world...Now there's another thing I want you to remember. I don't want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We're not holding anything, we'll let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we're not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy...Thirty years from now when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, 'What did you do in the great World War Two?' You won't have to say, 'Well, I shoveled s--- in Louisiana.' Alright now...you know how I feel. . . . I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle anytime, anywhere. That's all.'

"Patton was a no-nonsense fighter. To me, this speech embodies the spirit of the fighting soldier. As a former infantryman, it makes me want to scream 'Hooooaaaah!' He is the type of General that I would want to be under.

"But I am often torn between my want to win this war that were in with being an instrument of grace. The truth is, I would really like to see Osama bin Laden strung up on a tree somewhere, but could I do that and be an instrument of grace? Would I rejoice if I saw that knowing that he will most likely, outside of the grace of God, go to a sinner's hell? What should my response be? Two years later and I still want to respond like Patton does here. And the truth is, I'm just not sure what's right. I realize that I could take it apart with theology and philosophy, but I want much more than that. I want the heart of Christ. So, what would Jesus do?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some interesting words on tatoos on body piercing:

Tattoos and Body Piercing: What's a Christian to do?
Sam Storms
Aug 30, 2007

On a recent broadcast at DesiringGod.org, John Piper briefly addressed the issue of tattoos and body piercing among Christians. I especially appreciated the spirit in which John took up this subject. He did not come down in a heavy-handed or judgmental fashion, insisting in some legalistic way that such actions are altogether and always a sin. He mentioned the prohibition on tattoos in Leviticus 19:28 and suggested that although there were probably unique historical and religious circumstances in the ancient near east that evoked this prohibition, we should still seek to learn from it. Whereas not everything in the Levitical code is binding on the believer today, we still must ask if there is some underlying principle in the OT prohibition that might find application to us in the present day.

But Piper mentioned two additional factors to take into consideration, to which I would like to add a third. First, he asked the all-important question that every Christian contemplating getting a tattoo or body piercing should ask: “Will this exalt the Lord Jesus Christ? Is this going to draw attention to him or to me? Will his beauty and splendor and all-sufficiency be highlighted in this action? Will the gospel itself be adorned or obscured in what I’m doing?”

Second, John also said that we should carefully monitor our motives for getting a tattoo or body piercing. In particular, he suggested that often times (not always!) people get tattoos in an effort to establish for themselves an identity that they have failed to find in Christ alone. In other words, each person needs to ask: “To what extent does this tattoo or body piercing reflect my failure to find full satisfaction in Christ alone? To what extent is this an attempt to ‘be’ or ‘become’ something that until know I’ve failed to find in who I am in Christ and because of what he has accomplished in grace on my behalf?”

It may well be that the person contemplating getting a tattoo feels fully established in Christ and is keenly aware of who they are in him, and thus the issue of identity simply does not factor into one’s motivation. But it is an important matter to keep in mind.

To these excellent observations, I’d like to add a third. I think a Christian needs to ask himself/herself whether or not the tattoo or body piercing expresses respect for the human body as the temple of the living God. Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. He abides in us, not in buildings or tabernacles or anything else as the unique expression of his saving and sanctifying presence. The apostle Paul makes this clear on a number of occasions (see especially 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19-20; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; Eph. 2:21-22). I think particularly of 1 Cor. 6:19-20 where Christians are exhorted to “glorify God in your body” (v. 20). I’m not saying that people with tattoos and body piercings can’t glorify God in their bodies. I’m not the judge of that. I’m simply asking Christians to think and pray about it before they engage in this activity.

Needless to say (or perhaps it does need to be said), this text in 1 Corinthians 6 would apply to a number of issues other than tattoos and body piercing. I suspect that many reading this article are guilty of gluttony and have become excessively obese. This is only one example of what undoubtedly are any number of activities in which we may fail to glorify God in our bodies. We must be careful, therefore, lest we single out tattoos and body piercing and ignore the many ways in which we might potentially fail to glorify the Lord in how we treat our physical frame.

The fact is, the Bible is not as explicit and unyielding on this issue as some might like. If there were a specific and undeniable commandment in the NT that addressed the point, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. So I encourage everyone to be gracious and gentle at the same time we give full consideration to the principles set forth in God’s Word. For those who’ve already been tattooed, perhaps the question should now be to what extent and in what ways, if any, can I turn this for the good of the gospel and the glory of God. I’m certainly not prepared (or qualified) to answer that question, but it is one that needs to be addressed.

May God grant us wisdom and patience with one another as we seek to understand how best to glorify God in our bodies.
