Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I have been struggling with the death of Saddam. I see way too many Christians rejoicing over the death of someone. From all evidence, Saddam is most likely in hell. That is not not a judgemental statement. The film that I have seen of him at the gallows (sp?) showed a defiant man. Unless he repented on his way being dropped down, he did not die with Christ as his Savior. What bugs me the most is that Christians are happy that Saddam is dead. That concerns me. Vengence is not ours. And is not Saddam truly went to hell, then why are we happy about it? I, personally, wish hell did not have to exist.

Judging Saddam does not make us more Christ-like. As a matter of fact, it makes us less. Judging, however, is probably the most played out word that non-Christians like to use against us. Looking at the evidence that very plainly shows that Saddam most likely did not go to heaven does not make us a judge. God is the judge. God sent him to hell, not me. He was sent to hell for not believing in Christ. To think that God could save a person that has committed as many atrocities as Saddam Hussein is a miracle. But Saddam rejected Christ. Because of that, he is in hell.

Hell exists for the glory of God. Let me write that again so no one misunderstands me. Hell exists for the glory of God. Sin must be punished. God must be glorified. As hard as it is for us to understand, God is glorified when sinners are punished. I am so happy though that it does not have to be that way for everyone! The Bible says in Romans 5: "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Did you catch that? While we were yet weak... Other versions say very plainly while we were yet sinners. God did not die for us because we were beautiful or sinless. He died for us because we were filthy with sin. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, nothing more, nothing less. Sola Fide. Sola Gratia.

So after looking at our filthy, sin-sick souls, realizing that we are not worthy of anything but hell, being saved by God's oh so irresistable and amazing grace by putting faith in what his Son did for us on the cross, why are are we rejoicing that someone is in hell? If it was not for grace, I would be in hell with him right now. How does that lead us to rejoicing?

1 comment:

jose said...

Te deseo lo mejor que el amor de Jehová ilumine tu camino.