Saturday, November 20, 2004

I’m sitting here getting ready to go to work and I wanted to write a short blog note simply about the grace and sovereignty of God. It is amazing to me that back in spring, my school, William Tyndale College in Farmington Hills, Michigan, almost closed and even more amazing that it is closing for sure this time. I remember that time just a few months ago when I was at a job that I was beginning to loathe, a place spiritually where I was struggling just to get a spiritual nugget of some sort. When the announcement was initially made, I watched a school hit its knees and pray and God answered prayer and the school was spared at least for a few more months. To me, that was a warning shot and a wake-up call that it could happen again. My friends balked at me saying, “The school is safe now. Regent has it.” I realized that this was probably not true. Leaks from some insiders I knew from the front office suggested that the school was still in trouble. When the opportunity arose for me to finish up to finish, I seized it, quitting my job as a teller at a credit union, and moving back into the world or retail management. I have questioned the decision lately. Despite being a better job with better pay and better opportunities, the challenges of the job are still very real and hard. Couple that with three very hard classes at Tyndale and you have a recipe for a hard four months. Add to that Kandice’s recent hospital visit and grim news regarding her health, you have a tough go at anything. I cannot write this and say that everything has suffered. My relationship with my wife has been strained, my schoolwork has slipped, and my job has played third fiddle, but God is faithful. I am now in a position to graduate from a sinking ship of a school backed by a stronger school of decent reputation and to focus on my job and my wife’s health. All the strategic moves that I put in place came to fruition with the school’s announcement. Please understand, I am not happy that Tyndale is closing. I feel very sorry for the ones that are left stranded with nothing to show for it, but personally, this situation has served as a confirmation for my life that God is there, He is strong, He cares, and He has something special for me in the future.

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