This will not effect me since I will be graduation in December, praise the Lord, but it is very sad news.
November 18, 2004
Dear Valued Students at William Tyndale College:
It is with profound sadness that I write to inform you of a very difficult decision that was announced today at 4:00 PM to the faculty and staff by Mr. Denis Root, the Chairman of the Tyndale Board of Directors. William Tyndale College will be ceasing operations effective December 31, 2004. The closing is due to a significant funding shortfall that will not allow us to continue operations beyond the end of the Fall Term. The magnitude of the funding shortfall is beyond the ability of Tyndale to resolve. Additional information about the decision to cease operations is included on the press release below.
Student information sessions will be held on Monday, November 22, 2004 at 11:30 AM and again at 6:30 PM in the Kresge Chapel. At that time, representatives from the faculty and administration will be available to respond to questions.
Tyndale will actively assist students in establishing themselves at other colleges and universities by January of 2005, in order to continue their education. Regent University has offered to "teach-out" current Tyndale students at the present Tyndale tuition rate. Interested current students are encouraged to contact Regent at or to call Ms. Jo Vanderwall at 1-800-214-2077. Please see below for additional information on student options and if possible, attend the student information session.
Christ's Blessings,
Gary Oster
William Tyndale College
News from
William Tyndale College
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Karen Mulligan
November 19, 2004 Phone: (248) 553-7200
Announcement of College Closure Effective December 31, 2004
FARMINGTON HILLS, MI- William Tyndale College of Farmington Hills, Michigan, founded in 1945, announced to faculty, staff, and students today that it is ceasing operations effective December 31, 2004. The closing is due to a significant funding shortfall that will not support continued operations beyond the end of the Fall term. The magnitude of the funding shortfall is beyond the ability of Tyndale to resolve.
Tyndale recently confronted similar financial problems and a potential closure in the Spring of 2003. At that time, Regent University, located in Virginia Beach, VA, committed funding of one million dollars to enable the school to continue its operations and Tyndale and Regent entered into an affiliation agreement. Since that time, Regent University has more than doubled its original commitment contributing more than two million dollars to Tyndale in order to continue operations.
Tyndale had anticipated a substantial increase in enrollment for fall, 2004, but that did not materialize in spite of additional advertising support underwritten by Regent University. Enrollment for the fall 2004 was about the same as the fall 2003 level and that level was insufficient to support continued operations.
In addition, Tyndale entered into discussions with Detroit World Outreach (DWO) in late September with the expectation that would lead to an added affiliation and funding support by DWO to Tyndale. DWO advised Tyndale this week that it has concluded it is not in a position to provide needed funding or enrollment support to Tyndale.
Tyndale will actively assist students in establishing themselves at other colleges and universities by January of 2005 in order to continue their education. Tyndale is accredited by the North Central Association and that will position students to transfer credits to other accredited colleges and universities. Regent University has offered to "teach-out" current Tyndale students at the present tuition rate. Current students are encouraged to contact Regent at or to call Jo Vanderwall at 1-800-214-2077.
Tyndale Board Chairman, Denis Root, who made the announcement said, "Tyndale deeply regrets that it is forced to cease offering Christ-centered undergraduate education among the communities in southeastern Michigan. We understand however, that God is sovereign, and that we must accept this closure action as being consistent with His will."
Questions concerning this announcement may be directed to Ms. Karen Mulligan at William Tyndale College on 248-553-7200 ext. 706.
All current William Tyndale College students will be welcome to transfer to Regent Undergrad, in preparation for the beginning of Spring semester 2005.
Regent has agreed to:
1. Accept ALL credit hours earned at WTC
2. Work diligently with WTC students to align their majors with those offered at Regent
3. Keep WTC tuition levels in place for WTC students who transfer to Regent (you will NOT have a tuition increase!)
4. At least for Spring semester, 2005, Regent will also include the cost of books in tuition
5. Courses may be taken online, as well as on Regent campuses in Virginia Beach and Washington, D.C.
I. Curriculum
Students currently enrolled at William Tyndale College will be given the opportunity to complete their studies, online or on campus, at Regent University's School of Undergraduate Studies and receive a bachelor's degree after completing their coursework at Regent University.
Approximately 82% of current William Tyndale College students are pursuing one of four majors: Christian Thought, Youth Studies (Christian Studies Division), Psychology, and Business Administration. Christian Thought majors can pursue their studies in Regent's Religious Studies major program and receive the B.A. degree in Religious Studies. To further accommodate these students, Regent may create a concentration in Christian Thought to reflect the focus of their work in this major. Students majoring in Youth Studies may also enroll as Religious Studies majors at Regent, with the potential of a concentration being created in Youth Studies.
Psychology majors can receive Regent's B.S. degree in Psychology. William Tyndale College students currently pursuing degrees in Business Administration may enroll in Regent's Organizational Leadership and Management (OLM) major program, leading to a B.S. degree. The OLM major currently offers concentrations in Leadership or Management.
William Tyndale College also offers the B.A. degree in Communication Arts. Students enrolled in that major may pursue Regent's B.A. degree in Communication.
Students in William Tyndale College's Bachelor of Religious Education program may pursue Regent's Religious Studies major. To accommodate these students, Regent may designate concentrations for Pastoral Studies and Biblical Literature.
William Tyndale College students continuing their studies at Regent will receive transfer credit for coursework completed at William Tyndale College, and will receive credit in satisfaction of major course requirements for William Tyndale College courses reasonably equivalent to Regent's curriculum.
Every effort should be made to design a program at Regent, as described above, to constitute, if possible, a "teach-out agreement" that will satisfy North Central Association Commission and federal requirements. As noted elsewhere, having such a teach-out agreement in place may allow for the extension of William Tyndale College accreditation for up to a year beyond the announced date of closing. This, in turn, will allow William Tyndale College students to take coursework elsewhere, transfer that credit back to William Tyndale College, and receive a William Tyndale College degree. Students choosing this option (if available) may take online or on-campus courses at Regent and transfer those credits to William Tyndale College.
The relatively small percentages of students currently pursuing William Tyndale College majors other than Christian Thought, Youth Studies, Psychology, Business Administration and Communication Arts may still enroll in Regent University's School of Undergraduate Studies and pursue one of Regent's major programs (Psychology, Religious Studies, Communication, and Organizational Leadership and Management). These students will receive transfer credit (as elective or required coursework) for William Tyndale College courses already completed.
William Tyndale College students currently studying in the Teacher Preparation Program may relocate and enroll in Regent's Interdisciplinary Studies program, leading to the B.S. degree, a Pre-K through 6th Grade teacher preparation curriculum.
II. Enrollment at Regent University
All students currently enrolled at William Tyndale College with 30 or more credit hours left to complete at the end of the fall 2004 semester will be offered the opportunity to transfer to Regent University and complete their degree in the School of Undergraduate Studies.
Students with less than 30 credit hours to complete will be allowed to continue with William Tyndale College and complete their degree. Students will be allowed to complete courses currently offered at William Tyndale College, however, Regent University will assume full fiscal and academic responsibility for those courses. Students will be expected to maintain the current full time load of 16 hours per term. Students will have until December, 2005 to complete their outstanding credits and receive their degree.
Students desiring to transfer to Regent University, for the spring 2005 semester, will complete all transfer student paperwork (which will indicate their desire to continue their education with Regent University) by December 10, 2004. All Tyndale student files will be transferred from Tyndale to Regent University by January 3, 2005. All records will then be created in Banner for all students using existing student files from Tyndale.
A. Advising
Each transfer students will be assigned an advisor who will complete a transfer credit evaluation and develop an academic degree plan. The advisor will serve as the main point of contact for all admissions and advising related issues. Regent University will provide a toll free number for Tyndale transfer students. In addition, Regent University will provide two (2) advisors who are familiar with Tyndale processes and programs.
Based upon the transfer credit evaluation, students will choose the major they desire; however, they will be advised of the most appropriate major based upon their completed coursework. Regent University will make every attempt to transfer in as many credits as possible into upper level core or elective requirements.
B. Financial Aid
All transfer students will be required to update FAFSA info and submit to Regent University Central Financial Aid Office to have federal monies transferred to Regent University. All transfer students will continue to receive any scholarship(s) currently received at Tyndale. Regent University will create an all encompassing price (inclusive of tuition, books, and fees) that will ensure students continue to pay their current rate of tuition.
C. Student Services (Online)
All Tyndale transfer students will be assured of ongoing student services. These services will include, but not limited to, online orientation, a Blackboard tutorial, Genisys tutorial, overview of Regent University and Undergrad policies and procedures, available library resources and access to online databases.
III. Additional aspects
In addition to the above, Regent University will commit to providing a point a contact for all current and future Tyndale alumni, with the express goal of attempting to provide some sense of institutional continuity for WTC alumni. This could take the form of a clearinghouse of information and alumni updates, and, perhaps, the facilitation of alumni reunions and similar activities.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
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